Monday, 4 April 2011

The At-Home-Fitness Movement

I'm sure there are plenty of you out there like me. We're people who are cheap and still want it all.

So if you're cheap you probably believe you don't have enough money to spend on the gym, like me. Then you might want to consider the at-home-fitness movement. You can find free workouts all over youtube. My favourites are Jennifer Nicole Lee and Zuzana (from BodyRock TV)

I don't necessarily follow their workouts to a T. I don't have all the equipment. What I do is choose 4-5 exercises, do 10 repetitions of each one, and keep repeating the cycle for 15 minutes.

By the time I'm done, I'm sweating and heaving. So I've called it the "Power 15" or  the "15 minute ass-whooping."

I like it. Then I go and take a shower, cause I need it. So far I've been doing it every other day. I might do it every day cause it's only 15 minutes, which isn't a huge sacrifice for me. I think you should try it too.

Some really good exercise are squats, plyometrics, explosive jumping jacks, ab bridges (I don't know what these things are called, you lie down with your legs bent and lift your hips to form a can add flys for more of a challenge.

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